First Public Consultation



The first public consultation event – held between Monday 4th January and Monday 15th February 2021 – was undertaken to obtain views on the initial evidence base and technical considerations that would inform the drafting of a Masterplan. Feedback was received from statutory consultees (e.g. Historic England), key local stakeholders (e.g. Town Council, Parish Councils) and the general public including residents from Corton, Hopton-on-Sea, Blundeston and the northern areas of Lowestoft.

A total of 140 responses were received as part of the public consultation process. This is comprised of 106 feedback forms completed online via the website, with a further 34 comments received by email. No comments were received in relation to the dedicated phoneline.

The main feedback arising from this process are summarised below:


objection to the loss of greenfield land opposed to focussing on brownfield land to meet development needs;


concerns about the safety of and disruption caused by the provision of a new roundabout on this section of the A47, and the potential vehicular and bus access onto Corton Long Lane perceived to lead to adverse traffic generation and highway safety issues;


the closing of the gap between Corton and the Garden Village from development on Corton Long Lane is sensitive;


the proximity of the allocated housing to the AWS facility and the impact of odour on the living conditions of potential occupants;


concerns about the capacity of the existing infrastructure and the prospect of this being exacerbated by new development in the absence of adequate capacity within existing health facilities;


desire to see high levels of green infrastructure across the site;


opportunities to enhance PROW, walking and cycle connections between Hopton and Gunton;

Land Use

suggested alternative locations for the non-residential land uses, specifically focussing the community uses away from the A47 frontage;

Character and Quality

mixed response regarding the promoted density, character and design of built form;


support to minimise the carbon footprint of the development through design and building.