Key Aspects of the Masterplan
Connectivity and Movement
The proposed Masterplan seeks to support a shift in travel modes through decreasing the use of private vehicles wherever possible, whilst promoting the use of alternatives including public transport, walking and cycling.
The provision of suitable links which are sufficiently well-lit, overlooked and surfaced, both within the site and to the adjoining areas, including existing facilities and networks at Corton is key to ensuring that these represent genuine alternatives to the use of the private car.
The Masterplan’s approach to movement – fully detailed across pages 42-45 – is characterised under the following sub-headings:
Pedestrians and Cyclists
Existing footpaths including public rights of way across the site will be retained. In addition, the Masterplan prioritises the creation of a wide range of pedestrian and cycle links that will enable easy access throughout the site as well as providing important connections to Corton to the east and to Corton Long Lane to the south.
Public Transport
Existing bus links with Corton and those running along Corton Long Lane will be enhanced, while additional bus infrastructure will be provided to ensure that there are direct links with the site.
Private Vehicles
Vehicular access to the site will primarily be via a new roundabout junction with the A47: Yarmouth Road. The internal access roads will follow a clearly-defined hierarchy (as shown on Pages 44 – 45 of the Draft Masterplan).