Key Aspects of the Masterplan
Proposed Land Use
The Land Use Framework (Page 36 – 37 of the Masterplan), identifies and illustrates how the various uses which are proposed, and which the allocation of the site requires, are provided as part of the development, could be arranged.
The proposed arrangement and distribution of uses set out in the Land Use Plan show how the site could make provision for:
- approximately 1300 dwellings
- 8 hectares of ‘Employment Land’
- a new Primary School (including early years provision)
- Local Centre (containing community uses and retail)
- Adult Care Services (providing supported living for adults)
The draft Masterplan provides a set of guidance as to how these land uses can be accommodated within this site.
There will also be extensive areas of green space within the site which have both amenity value and will function effectively as spaces for more formal recreational use, including playing fields and equipped play areas.
The area to be provided as Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANG) is beyond the limits of the allocated site. The SANG will cover an area of approximately 23 hectares between the eastern boundary of the site and the western edge of Corton. This area is currently in agricultural use and is not accessible to the general public. In providing access to this area, the creation of the SANG would provide new walking routes and pedestrian links to, from and within site, alongside a destination area of equipped play space and exercise equipment
Providing access to this area would therefore provide an additional recreational resource for the residents of the new community as well as existing residents of Corton and other residential areas in the vicinity.