Key Aspects of the Masterplan
The Public Realm
The Draft Masterplan provides a well-connected network of multi-functional open space and a network of green infrastructure throughout the site. The Draft Masterplan identifies a series of six main Green Edges and Corridors within the site, which are predominantly linear areas around the margins of the site.

The areas of the site which are of greatest ecological value will largely remain undeveloped. These are generally the areas at or towards the margins of the site where there is a greater range of vegetation, while the main developable areas are currently used as arable farmland which has a low ecological value.
The most valuable and diverse habitats within and adjoining the site will be retained and enhanced, both through the provision of linear areas and networks of open space in the form of green corridors which will all contribute towards significant net gain in biodiversity.
The SANG will also provide extensive areas of open space. The role of the SANG would provide an alternative to the internationally protected wildlife sites which would otherwise experience increases in pressure from recreational uses. Dog walking routes will be provided within, and around the site, alongside a destination play space and exercise equipment